Pixabay © Nikolaus Bader
On 23 June 2023, the Bundestag passed the Act on the further development of the immigration of qualified specialists. Most of the new regulations are expected to come into force in the first months of 2024.
The changes are intended to facilitate the path of foreign qualified specialists to Germany and counteract the continuing shortage of qualified specialists. Three areas have been identified as focal points: the qualified specialists pillar, the experience pillar and the potential pillar.
The amendments expand, for example, the possibilities of the EU Blue Card by lowering existing salary thresholds for regular and bottleneck occupations. It is also intended to make it easier to change employers if the card is already available, as well as family reunification.
Proof of professional recognition of the qualification in Germany before the entry of the interested qualified specialists is no longer necessary if the person has at least two years of professional experience as well as a professional qualification acquired abroad and state-recognized there. In addition, a salary threshold must be reached for this. Foreign qualified specialists can enter Germany with these requirements and only start the recognition procedure in Germany.
An opportunity card is to be introduced for all those who have not yet received a concrete offer for work, but who have great potential. The evaluation is carried out on the basis of a point system. Language skills, professional experience and other criteria play a role here.
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