© Ökumenischer Vorbereitungsausschuss zur Interkulturellen Woche (interkulturellewoche.de)
For the 48th time, the Intercultural Week will take place nationwide from 24 September to 1 October. Many different events are also being offered in Saxony-Anhalt. For example, in the following cities and districts:
The WelcomeCenter Saxony-Anhalt is involved in three locations:
On 26 September 2023, regional advisor Daniela Kolodzig will take part in the counselling centre fair in Salzwedel from 11:00 to 17:00. On 28 September 2023, she will offer a workshop in Stendal from 17:00 to 19:00 on the topic of "Applying properly - successfully to a new job".
On 5 October 2023, the regional advisors Nataliya Detka and Marion Hilbert will organise an advisor day on the topic of career entry at the premises of Saxony-Anhalt's Fachkraft im Fokus initiative in Magdeburg. Everyone interested is welcome to attend from 10:00 to 15:00.
At a glance:
Our regional advisors are looking forward to numerous visitors and interesting discussions!