Annual network meeting of the German Welcome Centres

zwei Mitarbeitende des WelcomeCenters Sachsen-Anhalt vor dem Gebäude der IHK Nürnberg mit einem Aufsteller der Veranstaltung "Jahresnetzwerktreffen der Welcome Center"

© Landesinitiative Fachkraft im Fokus

On 13 and 14 June 2024, the annual network meeting of the German Welcome Centres took place at the Nuremberg Chamber of Industry and Commerce. Around 150 experts from the labour market and integration sector came together to discuss the recruitment and integration of foreign qualified specialists. Workshops, presentations and valuable discussions were the focus of the two-day event. The event was organised by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) and the Nuremberg Chamber of Industry and Commerce for Middle Franconia. The aim was to further develop and improve our services by exchanging experiences, looking beyond the horizon and receiving suggestions from politics and administration.