Integration Course: Language and initial guidance

Since 1 August 2019, the access of foreigners to integration and language courses has been newly regulated by the Foreigners' Employment Promotion Act. Individuals with a residence permit can now participate in integration courses. However, the conditions are that they have already been permitted to stay in Germany for at least three months, entered the country before 1 August 2019 and are registered as seeking work, training, unemployed or employed or in vocational training or a measure, in short "close to the labour market". Permitted persons who arrived after 1 August 2019 can only participate if they come from countries with "good prospects of staying" (currently Syria and Eritrea).

For detailed information, please consult the "Overview of current planned changes in the so-called "migration package" and other draft laws" of the IQ Immigration Office or from the Fact Paper Migration Package of the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS).

The integration course is a type of basic course that is usually conducted full-time. In exceptional cases, for instance where the participants are employed, it can also be completed part-time. In addition to simple language skills, the legal basics, values, knowledge of German history and many other contents are also taught in a subsequent guidance course. The language course comprises 600 teaching units (TU), special courses up to 900 TU and intensive courses 400 TU. The language course ends with the examination "Deutsch-Test für Zuwanderer" (German Test for Immigrants) (DTZ) The language skills then correspond to CEFR level B1.

Additional information:

A good overview is provided by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees.

The summary prepared by MigraNet on participation in integration courses is aimed specifically at volunteers.

Important contacts:

For information on what is on offer in your area and to register for an integration course, you can contact local integration course providers as well as counselling centres, such as:

  • Youth Migration Services (JMD) and Migration Counselling for Adult Immigrants (MBE)
  • Office for Integration or intercultural office of the municipality
  • Cultural centres
  • Language schools and universities
  • The Employment Agency and Job Centre