Job-related German language training

Job-related German courses are designed to prepare immigrants for the linguistic challenges of everyday working life. The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) offers corresponding courses within the framework of the Ordinance on the Support of German as a Foreign Language (German Language Support Ordinance - DeuFöV).

This regulation was changed within the framework of the migration package with regard to the eligibility of tolerated and permitted persons.

After six months of a tolerated stay, tolerated persons are admitted to job-related German language support if they are close to the labour market.

Permitted persons can participate in German language support if they entered Germany before 1 August 2019, have lived in the Federal Republic of Germany for at least three months and are close to the labour market. This also applies if they come from a country with unclear prospects of staying. You can read up on this and other information in the Fact Paper Migration Package by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and in the Overview Migration Package of the Immigration Unit in the funding programme "Integration through Qualification (IQ)".

Vocational German language support according to DeuFöV usually follows on from an integration course. The prerequisite for participation is language level B1 or higher. Tolerated persons can also attend vocational language courses below language level B1 due to the fact they cannot participate in integration courses. In the BAMF courses, participants learn both a general vocabulary as it is used in professional life and specific technical terms of the respective professional field. Thus, specialist terms are taught in special modules. Special modules are offered, for example, for the retail, catering, warehouse/logistics, trade/technology, academic health professions as well as nursing and education sectors.

Additional information:

The working guide "Immigration of qualified specialists and language support" was developed in the course of the online exchange "Finding and retaining foreign qualified specialists", organised by ZEMIGRA and the network "Willkommenskultur und Fachkräftegewinnung” [Welcome culture and recruitment of qualified specialists]. Among other things, you will learn how job-related language support works in Saxony-Anhalt and what language support options are available in the workplace.

More information on the vocational language courses can be found in the flyer“ Vocational language courses (according to Section 45 a Residence Act)" of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) and Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS). Information in several languages is also available via the BAMF website under German for the workplace.

Please note:

Especially in rural areas and smaller towns, it is often a problem to find a course for job-related German language support. This is where the local companies and municipal administrations can take action and try to find an appropriate course on site. A minimum of 15 participants is required for a course to take place. Cooperation with other companies in the region and the municipal administration can therefore be helpful. Use the Consultancy offer of the BAMF.