A brief up-to-date overview of access to the labour market for EU citizens and third-country nationals is provided in the fact paper of the Expert Council on Integration and Migration "Immigration for the purpose of gainful employment. Overview of the key regulations" (version dated 1 March 2021).
The "Praxisleitfaden für EU-Arbeitnehmerinnen und Arbeitnehmer in Deutschland. Ein Wegweiser für gute Arbeitsbedingungen und Gleichbehandlung" [Practical Guide for EU Workers in Germany. A Guide to Good Working Conditions and Equal Treatment]" by the Berlin Education Centre for Migration, Refugees and Integration (BEMA) and the Equal Treatment Office for EU Workers provides a practical overview of the rights of EU workers in the German labour market. Based on case studies from counselling practice, the guide outlines the first steps on how workers from other EU countries can enforce their rights in the event of a dispute and names contact points for questions on employment law or assistant needs.