Subsequent acquisition of the Allgemeine Hochschulreife (general academic standard required for university entrance in Germany)

The General higher education entrance qualification (Abitur) is a school-leaving qualification of the upper secondary school level The Abitur is the highest school-leaving qualification in Germany. It qualifies students to study at universities and colleges.

At the Fachgymnasium (Technical Secondary School)

The Fachgymnasium (also called Berufsgymnasium) is comparable to the gymnasiale Oberstufe (upper secondary school level). Pupils attend school full-time. The three-year education at the Fachgymnasium is divided up into an introductory phase and a two-year qualification phase. In the qualification phase in Saxony-Anhalt, there is a choice between the specialisations of health and social work and technology and economics. The requirements as well as the Abitur examinations in the subjects German, English and Mathematics are identical to those of the general education grammar schools.

In brief:

Completed qualificationGeneral higher education entrance qualification (Abitur)
  • Extended Realschulabschluss or comparable school leaving certificate
  • Start before the age of 18 (without vocational training) or before the age of 25 (with completed vocational training).
  • Provide evidence of a sufficient command of the German language
Applicationdirectly to the respective Fachgymnasium

At the evening grammar school (Abendgymnasium) or college (Kolleg)

The allgemeine Hochschulreife (general higher education entrance qualification) can be obtained by employed persons at the Abendgymnasium or by non-employed persons at the Kolleg. The Abendgymnasium is usually part-time. Students at the College are not permitted to engage in any professional activity during the period of study.
Both the Abendgymnasium and the Kolleg are divided into a one-year introductory phase and a two-year qualification phase, at the end of which an examination is taken. Upon passing it, participants attain the Abitur qualification.

In brief:

Completed qualificationGeneral higher education entrance qualification (Abitur)


  • Fachoberschulreife (Advanced technical college entrance qualification), Realschulabschluss (upper secondary school-leaving certificate) or similar school-leaving qualification
  • Vocational training or several years of professional activity
Applicationto the respective institution

Further information

list of the specialised grammar schools in Saxony-Anhalt at public vocational schools in the school year 2018/19 can be found on the webpages of the state of Saxony-Anhalt.

Ordinances, decrees and laws on the Abendgymnasium or Kolleg can be found on the website of the Ministry of Education of Saxony-Anhalt.