© Landesinitiative Fachkraft im Fokus
Organized by the WelcomeCenter Saxony-Anhalt, people who have moved here and returned to their old home in Saxony-Anhalt took part in the online meeting „Forum für Zu(rück)gezogene“.
Kerstin Mogdans, Coordinator of the WelcomeCenter Saxony-Anhalt, and Claudia Bär, Regional Consultant for qualified specialists of the Landesinitiative Fachkraft im Fokus, jointly led through the event.
Some of the participants have only recently moved to Saxony-Anhalt, while others have moved to SaxonyAnhalt a while ago. At the online meeting, they exchanged ideas and shared their motivation, their experiences, but also the hurdles they had to overcome in order to arrive in Saxony-Anhalt.
Munich, Unna, Vienna, a small village in Ukraine or South Africa - the last places of residence of the participants were as diverse as their reasons for looking for their new home in Saxony-Anhalt.
Be it love, studying, career opportunities or returning to family and friends. Many factors played a role in the participants' decision to change their place of residence and move to a city or rural region in Saxony-Anhalt.
The exchange in the small group intensified when it came to the challenges that the individuals had to overcome. In many cases, bureaucratic hurdles had to be overcome. Long waiting times when making appointments or limited opportunities to conduct job interviews online, for example, delayed the arrival in the new adopted home.
However, no one regretted the decision to come to Saxony-Anhalt. The advantages of the region outweigh the challenges.
For example, the good childcare facilities, the school system, the low cost of living, but also the mentality of the people in Saxony-Anhalt were mentioned positively.
In many cases, the WecomeCenter Saxony-Anhalt or the regional advisors of the Landesinitiative Fachkraft im Fokus were involved in the entry or return of the participants. During the online meeting, Kerstin Mogdans and Claudia Bär presented the range of services offered by the Landesinitiative Fachkraft im Fokus and continued to offer help to the participants.
From the discussions, many valuable impressions could be gained for further work in the WelcomeCenter, in order to continue to work in the future to make it easier for people to arrive in Saxony-Anhalt. We would like to thank each and every one of the group for their participation and are particularly pleased that some of the participants would like to network and expand contact even after this exchange.
The 5th Forum is scheduled for autumn 2023. If you would like to participate, you can register at any time with Kerstin Mogdans.
Kerstin Mogdans
Coordinator of the WelcomeCenter Saxony-Anhalt | Specialist Office for Welcoming Structures and Family Friendliness
Telefon: +49 391 400669 16
Mobil: +49 152 53791663