© IQ Netzwerk Sachsen-Anhalt
How can local small and medium-sized enterprises attract qualified specialists from abroad? How can they be retained and further supported? What support programmes are available in Dessau-Roßlau and the region?
To discuss and answer these questions, the WelcomeCenter Saxony-Anhalt, the Welcome Culture and Recruitment of Qualified Specialists Network and the city of Dessau-Roßlau hosted the company day "Finding and retaining foreign qualified specialists" on 12 September 2024. Interested companies and regional experts came together in the morning at the Federal Environment Agency in Dessau to listen to expert input and exchange experiences and concrete implementation steps.
After a welcome from the city of Dessau-Roßlau and the Halle-Dessau Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Sarah Pierenkemper from the Centre of Excellence for Securing Skilled Labour ("Kompetenzzentrum Fachkräftesicherung", KOFA) gave a short presentation on the skilled labour situation in Dessau-Roßlau and the region. She identified the increasing shortage of skilled labour, particularly in the north and east of Saxony-Anhalt and in the skilled trades, construction and social professions, as a key challenge. Among other things, she sees potential for securing skilled labour in the increased recruitment of women, older people, semi-skilled/unskilled workers and international qualified specialists. Talent could be attracted and retained in the region, for example, by companies establishing diversity management and a welcoming culture and investing in the training and further education of employees. It is also important to ensure the attractiveness of the region beyond the working conditions.
Following this presentation, participants were able to visit various stands where regional initiatives, educational institutions and authorities presented their support programmes for companies and qualified specialists. There were lively discussions about recruitment programmes, language courses, a welcoming culture and professional qualification opportunities. Finally, a local company, Dießner care service, reported on its experiences with recruiting and integrating trainees from abroad. According to him, a reliable and not too expensive placement agent in the target countries is of central importance – and at the same time not so easy to find. Another success factor is the passion that the company puts into the welcome programme and the long-term support of the trainees. It is very helpful that one person is available full-time to look after the 20 or so trainees and, in addition to the organisational tasks, also takes care of afternoon excursions so that the newcomers settle in well. For the immigrant trainees, learning German and socialising with like-minded people are also very important, reported one of the company's trainees.
Moderator Stefanie Schmidt-Pforte from the Halle-Dessau Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) draws a similar conclusion from the company day: Employing qualified specialists or trainees from abroad is by no means just about finding them, but also about the retention and qualification process, which never really ends. Companies and local authorities can best master this process together by publicising existing offers even more and sharing their valuable experiences.
"Finding and retaining foreign qualified specialists" is an annual event format of the Welcome Culture and Recruitment of Qualified Specialists Network and is organised by the WelcomeCenter Saxony-Anhalt. On this page you will find more information on the Network. Moreover, you can find information on the legal framework and regional support services relating to the topics of immigration of qualified specialists and labour market integration in our Information library.