Literacy courses

Around six million people in Germany of working age have serious problems reading and writing German-language texts. Of whom approx. 200,000 live in Saxony-Anhalt. The rates are higher for the group of immigrants and refugees in particular: According to the LevelOne (LEO) – survey conducted in 2018 about 42.6 per cent of people with a language of origin other than German have low levels of literacy for the German language area. This means that almost one in two non-native speakers of German have difficulty reading and writing coherent texts.

There are special BAMF integration courses including literacy tuition for new immigrants and refugees who basically have to learn the Latin alphabet from scratch. The aim is for course participants to acquire language level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) notes, however, that these courses have a low pass rate. One reason for this is seen in the fact that course participants start learning the language with very different prerequisites. The educational backgrounds and living conditions from which new immigrants and refugees come to Germany can vary greatly. For example, a distinction is made between people who are not familiar with written languages and people who are already literate in their first or native language. However, the length of schooling in the country of origin, age, family roles (especially for women) and post-traumatic stress disorders can also be hurdles in the literacy process.

Additional courses and support services beyond the BAMF courses are often difficult to access, especially for immigrants and refugees in rural regions or with limited financial resources. However, basic language learning is a building block for professional and social participation that should not be underestimated.

Contact points and course offers in Saxony-Anhalt are listed below, which can aid the search for suitable literacy offers for immigrants and refugees. In addition, you will find information on financial support for courses as well as practical aids and background information for counsellors and facilitators.

Literacy courses and contact points in Saxony-Anhalt

Courses on site:

The BAMF's integration courses with literacy, or literacy courses, form part of the Federal Government's integration programme for new immigrants. The literacy courses are a special format for those for whom the Latin alphabet is a foreign one or who need to learn basic reading and writing skills. More information is available on the website of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF).

Using the Course Navigator of the BAMF you can quickly and easily find the nearest local BAMF literacy courses.

In KURSNET - The portal for vocational education and training of the Federal Employment Agency there is a list of nationwide course offers. The search can also be filtered by the region of Saxony-Anhalt or by different target groups and educational goals.

On the portal further current course offers for language acquisition are listed.

Municipal adult education centres also offer information on courses. On the portal of the VHS Saxony-Anhalt Regional Association the contact addresses of the Adult Education Centres are bundled together.

In addition, language schools, further education institutes, associations and church organisations offer language courses and learning formats for different language levels and target groups.

Additional contacts:

The state-wide contact in the field of literacy is the Literacy and Basic Education Coordination Office in Saxony-Anhalt. The information and counselling services are primarily aimed at adults with low levels of literacy (with insufficient reading and writing skills).

Funding options

Education voucher according to SGB (Social Security Code) III - Federal Employment Agency

According to Section 81 paragraph 3 (a) SGB III, unemployed persons and persons affected by unemployment can be subsidised by the Federal Employment Agency for literacy and basic education courses by means of an Education Voucher. The prerequisite for funding is that the person's basic competences are not sufficient to successfully participate in further training leading to a vocational qualification.

Federal Education Premium - Federal Ministry of Education, Research and Technology (BMBF)

By means of the Education Premium the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) supports people with low incomes in continuing vocational training nationwide. In Saxony-Anhalt, up to 50% of up to € 1,000 in course fees can be subsidised through the federal government's Education Premium.

You can find more information on the financing of course fees within the framework of continuing education and training courses here.

Practical aids

Understanding the Literacy Process The Office for Intercultural Work of the Social Department of the City of Munich describes in the handout "Alphabetisierung in der Zweitsprache Deutsch“ [Literacy in German as a second language], 2018 how the literacy process is structured for people with a different language of origin. The handout also presents possible causes for low literacy and gives an overview of the different literacy levels. Accompanying literacy working as a volunteerThe guide “Alphabetisierung im Ehrenamt begleiten. So meistern Sie die Herausforderung“ [Accompanying literacy working as a volunteer. How to master the challenge] (2017) of the Thüringen-based association Kindersprachbrücke Jena e.V. provides information about the available options for volunteers to support and accompany the literacy of refugees.

Further information

Literacy and Literalisation in Germany

The “LEO-Survey – Living with low literacy“ conducted in 2018 takes a comprehensive look at literacy and literalisation levels in the population. In doing so, it also addresses the different forms of illiteracy and literalisation and looks at the different life situations of people with low levels of literacy. Among other things, it also deals separately with the challenges immigrants face in learning a language and how to write.

Literacy for immigrants and refugees who have German as their first language

The Working Paper “Erste Schrift und zweite Sprache. Migrant_innen ohne oder mit geringer formaler Bildung in Alphabetisierungskursen“ [First the alphabet and second the language. Migrants with little or no formal education in literacy courses.] (2021) by the Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies (IMIS) at the University of Osnabrück summarises findings from national and international research and practice on the learning of written language by migrants for whom the second language is the first written language. The paper addresses the challenges involved as well as the role of teachers.